🆕IFC Export - Category Mapping
The most important export setting is the mapping of Revit categories to IFC classes using the Category Mapping, which was significantly improved with Revit 2025 and integrated in the IFC Export settings found under File -> Export -> IFC:
The Category Mapping dialog allows the creation of multiple mapping templates and their export and import for use in different projects.
The mapping itself is accomplished using a predefined list that allows the selection of IFC Classes and correspondent types:
Category Mapping in Revit 2024 and older
Find the Export mapping table by navigating to File -> Export -> Options -> IFC Options:
This Export table requires a manual entry of the IFC class and type. More information can be found in this article: Supported IFC Class mapping when exporting Revit models to IFC
💡 Does your IFC Export result in an empty IFC file? (Prior Revit 2025)
When using Revit in different languages, the “exportlayers-ifc-IAI.txt” will be generated according to the first language in which the dialog is launched. To reset the mapping table to the default settings and/or current language, delete the text file (path indicated in the header) and click “Standard” in the dialog above – this will recreate the mapping file with the hardcoded settings. This has been resolved in Revit 2025.
Note: Mapping Revit Subcategories as well as the IFC types is limited at this level – only the main Revit categories should be mapped to IFC classes. For more granular mapping, the elements can be mapped individually.
Replacing the IFC Class Name with Not Exported will completely exclude the Revit category from export.
Last updated